Friday, June 27, 2008

6 Month Check Up

I turned 6 months on 6/26/08 :) I think that I am set for my half-birthday ... that there will be good food, presents, fun .... and then parents took me to the doctor on 6/27/08 for a check up!

Here is how I weighed in -

18.5 pounds - 75th percentile
26 1/2 inches - 50th percentile

I decided that this check up I would switch my height and weight around a little.

After I was so nice to the doctor and nurse, they still decided to poke me a few FOUR times!!! They even gave me another oral vaccination (which I spit out on mommy)!

After the appointment mommy and daddy tried to make me smile, but I was not having any of their fun ...

Later in the day I felt a little better and I let my mommy take a picture of my battle wounds :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Baseball Game 2

So, the other day when I was on the way to the Aquarium with Skyler (we were meeting Aunt Katherine, Lauren, Lynsey, Aunt Karen, and Kayla) Brendan called me and said that sports talk radio was at the restaurant across the street from it. Not that I wasn't running late already, but I got Lynsey and Katherine to run inside and say "Launch the Astros" to win us free Rays tickets (we were playing the Astros that night). The guys said that it was the fastest that anyone has ever come to win the tickets before. When they asked Lynsey if she liked baseball she said "no" (like any little girl would say), and I am sure at that point they regretted having to give the tickets to them.

So that night Brendan and I took Skyler to his second baseball game. Brendan was right about him loving it, because there was not a peep heard from him for the entire game!!! Of course on the way home he fell asleep, but he was so happy to be at the game. Brendan swears that Skyler must be a bad luck charm b/c both of the games he has been to so far the Rays have lost, but I'm pretty sure that won't keep Brendan from taking him :)

Here are some pictures I took of him while we were there. There is one picture that makes Brendan and I laugh everytime we look at it ... Try to see if you can guess which one ...

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sitting Up

Skyler has been working on sitting up for quite some time. He started at Aunt Brie's house before mommy went back to work. He was hit or miss, but could generally sit up for about 30 seconds unassisted. Then at the very beginning of June he sat up well, but leaned forward a lot. By June 8th when we took the pictures, he had it down!!!

We contribute most of his ability to sit up to the ball train. A toy that we found at Aunt Brie's that really caught Skyler's attention. We (Brendan and I) Decided that he had to have the toy and got it for him. In no time he was sitting up and playing with the balls :)

Now it's on to crawling :|

Monday, June 02, 2008

Hockey Fan

I got Skyler his first hockey set the other day which Brendan thought I was ridiculous for getting, but non the less, thought it was cool (This is important for the rest of the story).

The boys in the house generally rule what is on our TV, so during the early evening the TV is usually set to sports ... I know you've heard this before! But, what a unique picture opportunity when I found Skyler watching the hockey game with his dad while sitting up and playing with his hockey set.

They really are too cute ... It's just unfortunate that it wasn't the Lightning in the playoffs this year :(