The day has come ... Sklyer has started to walk!!!
It stated after a trip to Jacksonville the day after Halloween. We visited some old friends of mine from college (Erica and Jim) who have a 1 year old. I always love going to people's homes who have children around Skyler's age b/c I get to see what toys he likes that we do not have yet. Well he loved the push walker. I had thought about getting one a little while ago, but decided against it with the thought that it would be outdated after a few weeks. Boy was I wrong ... He LOVED it. He was pushing it around their house and doing a good job with being balanced. Of course mom ran out to get one the day we got back to Tampa :)
Within a few days of pushing himself along, he has started to walk unassisted. On Sunday we went over to Brie and Adam's home and he took about 8 steps unassisted ... of course we forgot the camera for that one! Then yesterday we were at my parents home and he took 12 steps ... I caught some of that on video, but our computer is broken so I can't upload until it gets back from HP.
Now, he is pushing up to a standing position and taking steps randomly throughout our house. I know you guys suggest he is a good picture taker, but videos are another story. Trying to get him to walk on camera is a challenge, but I now have tons of footage of him crawling:) Just thought I would update you on Skyler's new development and as soon as I get the computer back I will upload the video for you!!!