Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Skyler about the temple … visit in December 2011 to Orlando, FL temple
S -Who’s on top of the temple?
D- Moroni
S – Maronee? He has a trumpet!
S- The temple is Jesus’ house. And Mary’s house.
Skyler got to see the nativity outside of the temple and pointed out Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. He had been learning about the nativity at school and was into Mary being a big part of Jesus’ life.

Skyler about Baptism – March 2011
S -Daddy are we going to a baptism?
D- Yes. Skyler are you getting baptized?
S – No daddy, I’m not 8.

Skyler about the baby – 4/1/2011
S- I’m going to be a big brother! I am going to have a sister. A girl. She is going to play blocks with me. She is going to watch movies with me, and, and, and, and, eat popcorn with me.

Walking into Lowes with Daddy 4/2/2011
S- Carry Me
D – Picked him up, and then said “Now you carry me”
S- No I’m too small to carry you, well I’m bigger. I’m a big boy, but I’m not quite big enough because you are really bigger!
Skyler Eating Breakfast 4/2/2011 –
S- With syrup and food on his face - “Daddy look, I have whiskers like you!”

Mommy and Skyler 4/2/2011
M- I love you
S- I love You
M- I love you
S- I love you
M- I said it first
S- I said it first
M- Stop Copying Me
S- Stop Copying Me
M- I love You
S- I love You
M – I Said it first
S – We said it together.

Skyler about the baby – 4/2/2011
Skyler puts a 3 inch bouncy ball under his shirt …
S – Look mommy I have a baby.
M – You have a baby in your tummy?
S – Yes, It’s a baby sister.
M – Let’s see her.
Skyler pulls out the ball and says “tada.”
M- What’s your baby sister’s name?
S- Addyson. We need blocks.
M – Go take your baby sister to play with blocks then.
S – That’s not a baby mommy.