Monday, December 05, 2011

Addy Rolling Over ... 6 weeks!

So during tummy time on Sunday, Addy did a cool new trick ... she rolled over! She did it in the past a few times on our bed, but I never thought she could pull it off on a hard surface. But, clearly she does not want to stay on her tummy :) I caught this trick on camera today ... it was a little tricky since as soon as I put her on her tummy she flipped right over. And I thought Skyler hit milestones early!

When I was reading about milestone timeframes, I read that children with mellow personalities usually hit milestones later, conversely, those with high strung personalities hit them earlier ... Considering Addy's high need/colicky personality, there is no surprise she hit this milestone at 6 weeks!


tessa said...

That girl is fiesty! Your 2nd paragraph-hilarious! Mellow children generally slow milestones. Addy= over achiever. 6 weeks rolling over is amazing. Kins trying but hasnt yet and I thought that was early! 

mitch&Jess said...

AWWWW she is darling!