Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well I think it is time to explain a little about the household in which I live. My husband is a sports FREAK! He loves to watch, play and work in the sports arena. He is currently looking for a job in sports compliance (so if anyone reading has a job for him ... let us know). When there is no college football (which is by far his favorite) he will watch anything else sports, including re-run gator games (from the days when Spurrier played!!) and I have even found him watching the little league world series.

All of this is just setting the background for a movie clip that I am going to attach, so be patient:)

When I was pregnant with Skyler we joked that he was his father cloned. I no longer wanted/could eat desserts, I craved Big Macs (eww!), Skyler's second toe was longer then his big toe (just like Brendan's) in the sonogram pictures. When we had Skyler ... nothing had changed ... He looks just like Brendan!!!

Since Skyler's birth, Skyler has hated his carseat. He screams when he is in it and let me tell you how fun car rides are with him!!! There have been many a days when I have had to pull over and cuddle him in random parking lots just to get him to calm down!!! I am sure there are some people who think I am abusing my son when they hear him screaming at the traffic light!!

So we had a unique night the other day for sure ... If nothing else it sealed the belief that Skyler is a clone of his father. I brought my son in from the car screaming and placed the carseat on the floor. Brendan was sitting in the chair watching sports on the TV at the time. I asked Brendan to take care of the baby while I went and collected Bauer from outside. When I walked back inside I found the carseat turned towards the TV and both of my boys sitting there watching a game ... the baby as peaceful as can be!!! What else can I say ... I am living in a house full of sports fanatics :)

Since the video is so dark, here are some pictures that I took too:

1 comment:

Kirsti said...

Go Oilers Go!!!!!!!!
That is the team Skyler and Brendan Cheer for right!! ;)