Monday, December 05, 2011

Addy Rolling Over ... 6 weeks!

So during tummy time on Sunday, Addy did a cool new trick ... she rolled over! She did it in the past a few times on our bed, but I never thought she could pull it off on a hard surface. But, clearly she does not want to stay on her tummy :) I caught this trick on camera today ... it was a little tricky since as soon as I put her on her tummy she flipped right over. And I thought Skyler hit milestones early!

When I was reading about milestone timeframes, I read that children with mellow personalities usually hit milestones later, conversely, those with high strung personalities hit them earlier ... Considering Addy's high need/colicky personality, there is no surprise she hit this milestone at 6 weeks!

Sunday, December 04, 2011


So the other day Skyler woke up in the middle of the night crying and scratching his head. I watched him for a few minutes and then decided to check for lice ... and of course he had it!

So there I was,
at 3 am,
in the local Walmart,
searching for Rid, new combs/brushes, big black trash bags, AND ... a hair trimmer!!!

The day had finally come. We had to cut off Skyler's super cute locks (I have to admit I actually cried)!

Look at all the hair I cut off (and this was right after a hair cut that I gave him on Nov. 25th).

Skyler was really great about the whole thing and once his hair was trimmed it was easy enough to manage his lice. Everyone loves his hair, including him. He looks like such a big boy now :)

Once I had him under control, I started to panic about Addy and all of her gorgeous locks! I called the doctor and was told that I should not let her get it ... why didn't I think of that?!? They did provided some useful information ... keep her lathered in baby oil. This created a pretty neat look for her once we washed it out. Addy has remained lice free ... such a blessing!

Brendan did not have it, but unfortunately I did. So, I decided to call in the big dogs (AKA, Louse Calls)! They were amazing. They checked everyone's hair, treated mine and gave me the confidence I needed to get through this hectic ordeal. I have to say I was also excited to have a priesthood holder in the house who is so willing to pass out those much needed blessings.

So far we have been successful in defeating the lice. We have one room locked up with anything that could carry the lice bugs. One room is dedicated to clean clothing and linens. And we are all sleeping in another room. Hopefully by doing this we will knock out the buggies for good!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Addy Smiling

So i caught this little princess smiling for the first time on camera ... needless to say it took a lot of video takes and some patience! So Addy's first smile was on 11/21/11 (5 weeks exactly) ... looking at her gummy grin makes my heart melt :)

Smiles are still pretty tough to pull from this critic, but she has shot one to Skyler and the longest smile ever to Brendan.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

She's Here !!!

Meet the new Fletcher princess ...

Addyson Christine Fletcher, Born 10/17/2011 at 1320, 8lbs 2oz, 20 inches long.

Monday, September 26, 2011

When you toddler is smarter than you are...

So the other day Brendan was driving with Skyler. He heard a siren and told Skyler, "look Skyler, a firetruck." As the siren got closer, Skyler looked at it and said, "Actually Daddy, that's an ambulance not a firetruck. It may look like a fire truck and sound like a firetruck, but it's an ambulance."

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Baby Shower

So today the watch dogs let me off the couch and let me attend Addy's baby shower. The shower was sooooo amazing!!! I have to hand it to Patty, Erika, Alicia, Kat, Malinda and my mom for throwing the most amazing shindig!

Alicia was in charge of all of the decorations and did an amazing job. The decorations were gorgeous and matched the damask print theme that I have going on for Addy's room.

The food and drinks were done by Kat, Alicia, Patty and my mom. The food was so good, I had more than just seconds ... I know the doctor will have something to say about that next week when I get off the scale :)

Erika headed up the candy bar and the cupcakes. SO AMAZING. The cupcakes were not only beautifully decorated, but they tasted amazing too!

Of course we received some amazing gifts from our awesome friends. I cannot believe how adorable little girl things are :)

This is just the cutest little baby in the world ... my sister had the privilege of watching her so I got to hold her during the shower :)

Thank you to all who helped throw and who attended this amazing shower!!! It really helped renew my ability to sit still for the next week!!

Amazing Gift!

So I came home the other day with an amazing gift sitting on my doorstep. I opened the box and was overwhelmed by the handmade blankets, quilt, and sweater. We are blessed to have so many crafty family members. This gift was sent by Uncle Bob and Aunt Collette. I cannot imagine the amount of time it must have taken her to make these beautiful gifts. Addy is so blessed already and she is not even here yet. I can't wait to introduce her to the many family members who already lover her so much!!!

Thank you a million times over Uncle Bob and Aunt Collette!!!!!

Crafting Fever

So before I was banned to the bed, I was afflicted with a crafting fever. Here are a few of the projects that have been going on in the Fletcher house. There have been many more projects that I will post once I find my other memory card.

Halloween Chargers -

Burp cloth and Taggie Blankie - I made this set for Addy

Burp cloth, taggie blankie, pacifier clip, and drool bandana -
I made this set for Tessa for her new baby, McKinley. Hopefully I will be able to get it to them soon :)

Blocks -
I made this set for Addy for Christmas. Skyler is going to get a sport set with his name on one side and photo puzzles on the other sides. Addy's won't be finished until I acquire some all star photos of her, but at least they are started. This is the last thing I was able to do before I was banned to the bed ... of course I spent all day tuesday working on these (to the neglect of the laundry)! It worked out ok because my mom has come to the rescue and there are no more dirty clothes to speak of in the Fletcher house :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bed Rest :(

I think that all the traveling has finally caught up with me and Addy! When I went to my 35 week appointment, I was told that I am threatening premature labor. I am now on partial bed rest and am super bored! Although I am due on 10/23, it looks like she will be here much sooner! The doctor is hoping we can get to 10/2 ... so we need as many prayers as we can get. Of course after I make it to 10/2, she will probably wait until 10/30 to get here :) We are so grateful for all of our friends and family that are lending their assistance during the next few weeks!!! My mom has come to the laundry rescue ... my least favorite chore (crafting usually takes precedence over this chore). My comedian dad asked my mom if I was really put on bed rest, or if I just wanted someone to clean the house :) I have to admit is nice to be able to take a load off while the house is still being cleaned! Until the big day, I am going to try to catch up on some very delayed blogging.

Football Season is in Session!

August 2011 - The preseason countdown was on for the impending college football season to start. Both Skyler and Brendan received their pre-season football present (new Gator outfits). We even scored a cute little onesie for Addy.

Pre-season negotiations -
The first three home games = Gainesville.
The rest of the season = tailgating at home.

We took Skyler to the second game of the season, and we had a blast! He was so well behaved and watched the entire game without even needing a break (I see another sports fanatic developing)!!! He also loved watching the band (the band performed a special halftime show in remembrance of September 11th, 2001). Since the game, he has been running around the house singing "We are the boys from old Florida."

Spending time in Gainesville was a ton of fun, but I am so glad we are home and resting!!!

Although he loves the Gators, he is still more loyal to the Rays. I've been trying to convince Skyler to be a Gator Football player for Halloween this year, but he has informed me that he will be a Rays baseball player (for the second year in a row)! I guess the days are gone where I can tell him what he will be :)

Friday, September 09, 2011

Scripture Skit Night!

The primary had a special scripture skit night and ice cream party for the children since they had been so diligent at bringing their scriptures to church. The Sunbeams acted out Nephi building his boat. Skyler didn't talk at all during the skit (his hands were in his mouth the entire time), but when he got home he made us reenact the whole thing. It was a super cute and fun night!


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Skyler's First Day of School

Skyler started his first day of the new school year on September 7, 2011. He is officially in the 3 year old class with Ms. Karen. We went on September 6th to meet the teacher, his new friends and see the new classroom. He was super excited to go to his new class the next morning.

Ms. Karen is an awesome teacher and we have noticed that Skyler has already learned a ton in the last few weeks. We love how much he respects her and can't wait to see him continue to grow in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beach Vacations!

We have been fortunate to enjoy a few beach vacations with Skyler this summer. He is a true Florida boy and loves to build castles and ride the waves.

Jacksonville Beach -
We were very lucky to catch up with Uncle Eric and Shea while we were in Jacksonville. Skyler enjoyed playing soccer with him on the beach and playing with his cell phone.

Skyler loves to build castles with us. Mostly he enjoys the tearing down of our castles, but that's what being 3 is all about, right?! Bren and I competed for the best castle. Unfortunately Skyler voted Brendan the winner because of his bridge ... I think stairs are way more architecturally significant, but that may just be the loser speaking in me :)

Daddy's Castle -

Mommy's Castle -

Fort Myers Beach -
We stayed at a beautiful beachfront hotel in Fort Myers for a few days as well. The views were beautiful and the beach was awesome! We were lucky to be able to snag Brendan away from his work for a few hours to play on the beach. Skyler loved playing soccer and shuffleboard with Brendan. During each of our beach trips this summer I tried to find a sand dollar to bring home and put in Skyler's room as a souvenir (finding a sand dollar has been a desire of mine since I was a little child, but since I hate the murky ocean water, I have never had success). Well, the amazing Brendan found two sand dollars without even breaking a sweat :) While Brendan was working, Skyler and I made tents in the room, went on an adventure walk, played on the playground and even made a trip to the ice cream store ... I'm not sure if the ice cream was for him or Addy, but no matter :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Road Trip and McDonalds

So we had a trip the other day where we headed to the East Coast of Florida to see our friends Jessica and KC (who Brendan is also working with). My job was to get packed, pick up Skyler from school, and meet Brendan at work by 3pm so we could beat the traffic. Well while I was packing I tripped over a stool in the closet and hurt my leg pretty bad ... fortunately I was able to contort myself so that the baby didn't get squashed on my way down. This of course set the trip back, causing us to get on the road right during 5 o'clock traffic.

As soon as we got on the interstate, Skyler saw the sign for McDonalds. He screamed from the back seat that he was "so very hungry and wanted a Happy Meal (which sounds more like Hackey Meal when he says it)." We told him that we needed to get out of the traffic and then we would stop. The brilliant child that he is came up with his next line ... "I need to go potty!" Which he commenced shouting over and over again. We told him we would get off at the next exit so he could go potty which brought on Skyler's next sentence, "I need to go potty and I need a Hackey Meal."

Of course when we get to McDonalds he can all of a sudden hold his urgent need to go potty until after he gets his Happy Meal. Oh to be played by our three year old! This little girl has no idea what she is in for with a brother like Skyler :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Love You

Today when I was driving Skyler home from school, we engaged in our typical “I love you,” “No, I love you debate.” This debate eventually ended in Skyler professing his love for several things (see list below). It was soooo cute! The list just went on and on … almost the entire 10 minute drive home from school.
I love my Mommy, my Jack, my Daddy, my baby, Jesus, Heavenly Father, my school, my friends, Patty my Daddy’s car because it’s a boys car, my Mommy’s car because it’s a girls car, my Daddy when he gets me Happy Meals, my mommy when she drives me, my Kat, my Granmommy, Kat, Ava, Rich, my Papa, my Grandma, my house, all the cars, all the traffic lights, all the stop signs, the books my Papa and Grandma got me, my school, Brie, all the houses …

I know there were more, but my brain power just isn’t want it used to be  It’s times like these that I wish I had a video camera at the ready!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Fourth of July

For the Fourth of July we went to my parents house and had a bbq and fireworks show. Ava and Skyler had a blast playing in the pool. Skyler loved putting off fireworks this year. His favorite firework was the sparkler. Ironically the sparkler was also the firework that burned the bottom of his foot at the end of the night (don't ask about his shoes ... apparently we made a rookie parent mistake).