Monday, April 14, 2008

UT FAN ?!?!?

So we have some very disturbing news!!! We aren't sure that Skyler is a Gator Fan after all, you decide ...

Patty's Fiance Adam is a big time UT fan, so he is always filling Skyler's head with garbage UT chatter!!! So when Adam's father, Pops, came in town he vowed to send a UT onesie to Skyler and Brendan even promised that he would have Skyler wear it.

Well when the onesie came, we held to our promise and here is the video of what followed . . .

... When we got home (Skyler still in his UT onesie) we saw something that gives us hope that he might still be a UF fan ... He had pooped through the diaper and all over the onesie!!!! The stains of that diaper explosion are still on the onesie, never to be worn again!!!

Maybe there still is hope after all :)



Kirsti said...

Haha I love the snaping gator arms. Go Gators Go!!
Ps I have to laugh sometimes Brad and I will be watching TV and I will see a Florida team and I will say look there is Brendan and Ally's team - he rolls his eyes and says Honey they cheer for the Gators not Florida State( atleast I think it is Florida State that I always point out)

Unknown said...

Can you brainwash a baby that young?!

Kent Kate & Afton said...

Hey guys. This is your cousin Katie. I just found your guys on Kirsti's blog. It is fun to see what you all are up to.