Friday, October 10, 2008

Bitter Lemons

So we have been trying to introduce Skyler to table food recently ... after the Doc advised at the 9 month check up that the reason Skyler is spitting his jarred food back at us is b/c he wants real food. Let me tell you, this doctor is worth all the money we pay him, b/c apparently we don't have the brains to deduce things ourselves. Regardless, Skyler has refused most of the table foods that we give to him. So our baby who once had some rolls on him, is dwindling away to nothing.

Foods he refuses - diced fruit, diced carrots, peas, most baby food

Food he loves - Yogurt, ground beef, OATMEAL a Plenty, Rice Cereal, cheese, crackers, magic stars, cookies

So when we went out with Patty and Adam to a restaurant, we were shocked to find that the thing Skyler wanted most was LEMONS. He would chew and suck on them and then make the cute bitter face. He kept pulling Patty's hand back to him and doing it all over again. So we can now add Lemon to his like list. Thought you would enjoy the video and pictures. (BTW - you would have thought that by now I would have figured it out that I cannot turn the camera, but no - sorry!)

1 comment:

tessa said...

So funny:) and awwww he loves his aunt patty. What a cute look he gives her.