Friday, October 10, 2008


If you were wondering what we have been up to on our Saturdays and some weekday afternoons, the pictures will tell it all. We got Skyler a Gymboree membership and started classes in September. Since I am at work and Brendan has stated that he will not take Skyler to classes on his own, we do a Saturday afternoon class. Usually it is Skyler, Brendan and Me at the classes. We have a lot of fun playing with all the neat toys and watching Skyler learn new things. Brendan didn't think much of it at first, but there are two other regular buddies that come to class with their dads, so he is a lot more willing to come. He has even thought about not going to the home Gator games to stay for Skyler's class (thought would be the key word there).

Skyler's favorite thing about Gymboree are the BALLS!!! When we first started that was the only thing that he wanted to play with. We had to bribe him to go through the tunnels and climb the ramps by putting them at the other end. But, after a few weeks, he goes through them without any incentive! Skyler also likes the bubbles and will go after the tiniest bubble and pop it with his fingertip.

Gymboree favorites - Balls, Bubbles, Gymbo Kisses, Freeze Dancing, Airshapes, Parachute Time and Bouncing on the Tube.

Yesterday we went to Gymboree for open gym with his best friend Kayden. Both of the boys enjoyed themselves and I got some cute shots of both of them. There was a really cute moment when Skyler crawled over to Kayden in a pit of balls and decided that he wanted in. He knows no fear, and usually just throws his body around. Well I got the one, two, three, action shot of him crawling/falling into the pit. Just so you don't think that I am a bad mom, he was laughing the whole time! Plus, Aunt Brie saved him once he fell in.

Here are some videos of Kayden and Skyler at Gymboree -

This one is of Skyler and Kayden playing in the ball pit. As you can see, Kayden is still top dog, but Skyler is starting to hold his own -

This one is of Skyler getting excited b/c he sees the bubbles across the room -

This one is of Skyler actually popping the bubbles -

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