Monday, May 12, 2008

Jumping Bean

We have waited for the day when we could put Skyler in his Jumperoo, b/c bounsing him in our arms all day makes for some very rubbery arms. Well for a little while he has been sitting in his jumperoo and enjoying himself, but not jumping. Finally one day he just jumped off and hasn't really stopped. I thought I would include a video of all the fun he has in this thing, he really enjoys himself :) Brendan thinks that with his height and jumping skills, that we are raising the next Michael Jordan :) You would think that it frees up some time for us to get things done around the house, but it really just keeps us watching him b/c he is so funny in it. I will say this though, dinner has been a lot easier since he started playing in it !

Here is a video of him swinging in it too ... So many fun things to do in the jumperoo :)

1 comment:

tessa said...

My big 3 were quite entertained by the video of Skyler. I think Ellis will have an audience when he finally grows into his.