Monday, July 07, 2008

First Foods

My mom has slacked a little on the blog job since she has been back at work, but she wanted to let everyone know that I started eating REAL FOOD :)

I started with Rice Cereal on 6/7/08. I wasn't so sure if I liked it and my mom and dad thought I made some funny faces. But, those faces were nothing compared to the faces that came with Peas!!!

Rice Cereal is ok, but I really like Oatmeal. In fact, the only way my mom could get me to eat my peas and green beans was to mix it with oatmeal!!!

My mom was mean and made me start with vegetables, but we are starting fruits now and I like those a whole bunch ... as well as yellow/orange veggies.

So far here are my likes and dislikes:

My Likes:
Sweet Potatoes

My Dislikes:
Green Beans

Here are some pictures and videos for you ...

Video 1 & 2 - First Feeding - Rice Cereal -

Here is one about the mess we made -

Here are his funny faces -

Video 3 - First Peas -

1 comment:

Brie said...

that face is priceless!!!no peas for the skydogg!