Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Fair

So, I am not sure how this happened (AGAIN), but we got to the fair this year without a camera. Between Kat, my mother and myself …. no camera to be had. All pictures posted are from our picture phones! Rich took a great video of Skyler and Brendan going down the giant slide, so as soon as I can secure it, it will be posted. We had such a good time!

In attendance : Skyler, Brendan, Patty, Kat, Granmommy, Grandaddy, David, Rich, Ava, and Me.

Food consumption : Cheese sticks, london broil, gyro, corndog, steak on a stick, fried twinkie, funnel cake, BBQ, caramel apple, fiskes fries, fried peanut butter cup, ice cream, and last but not least … chocolate covered bacon. We drew the line at the krispie kream donut hamburger (where the donuts are the bread). BTW … Skyler devoured a whole cup full of Fiske fries … we really are good parents :|


Rides – Giant Slide

IMG00055-20100206-1608 fair 2

Attractions – Pony Ride, petting zoo, cracker country, expo hall, and Brendan’s annual cooking show.

Purchases – Jacob’s ladder toy, Choo Choo train piggy bank (Skyler would not put it down), and a new purse for me :)

Skyler … who doesn’t sleep anywhere but his room and at preschool … fell asleep on Rich’s shoulders as they were walking through the expo hall while the girls went to work shopping!


Mommy and Skyler -

Mommy, Daddy, Skyler and Uncle D -

Granmommy and Granddaddy -


tessa said...

That corndog is HUGE! Go Skyler!

Terri said...

I am so glad that your blog is up and running - it has been great fun seeing what you guys are up to on the other side of the country. Looks like lots of good times are taking place for the Florida Fletchers!