Sunday, February 28, 2010

Skyler Calamari

Skyler Calamari
Originally uploaded by allygatorgirl
Tonight we went with Adam, Brie and Kayden to Carrabbas. Brie and I prepared the boys for a quiet dinner out with I-Pod touches, coloring menus, and bread. Little did I know that Adam and Brie's appetizer of Calamari would be the big hit with Skyler. He even ate the little squid shaped pieces. It was hilarious to watch him chew and chew and chew the pieces of calamari down. I even caught a video of it!!! (of course as soon as the camera stopped rolling, a big "CHEESE" came out of his mouth! You will just have to imagine it). I think I see a little Mitchell blood coming out in him.


Terri said...

So cute all that chewing! (Do the Mitchells all love calamari or just seafood in general?)
I have sesn Skyler first hand in restaurants and he is soooo good!

tessa said...

What culture in a 2 yr old. I don't know if I've even had calamari let alone my kids:)