Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cutest Moments :)

So I would consider night time one of Skyler's cutest moments. I'm not talking about night waking, night stripping (which he is certainly a pro at), or even the part about actually falling asleep (mostly because I think we are part of a Super Nanny show every time I try to put him to sleep). I am talking about the moments in the room, after the door is shut, where Mommy, Daddy, Jack and Skyler get to spend family time together. We usually bring Skyler in the room, let him read, let him "show off" the little things he does so well, and then pray with him. I think Skyler puts all of his cutest moments off until the night time. I am definitely the weakest link when it comes to putting our son to sleep! I am sure that Daddy would testify that Skyler walks all over me during those moments. Here are a few night-time-isms that give examples of these moments:

1. Skyler and Daddy are lying down on the ground in the bedroom. Skyler looks up and points at the fan in the dark room.

"Look daddy, 'x' and 'o'.

" Wow, did you see that, he recognized the fan blades as "X" and the fan light as "O."

"YAY SKYLER" (with lots of cheers for several minutes)!!!!!!!

2. Skyler is sitting in Mommy's lap in the dark room after prayers with his lullaby music on. Daddy is in the kitchen getting Skyler's medicine.

"Mommy, I want a drink, please." (with such manners who could refuse?)
"Go ask Daddy for a drink." Skyler runs out to the kitchen ...
"Daddy, I want Juice (sounds like chuice)."
"Go ask Mommy." Skyler runs back into the room ...
"Mommy, I want Juice."
"Go ask Daddy." Skyler runs back into the kitchen ...
"Daddy, I want JUICE, JUICE, JUICE."

Of course we then grab a hold of this moment and use it as a bribe ...

"Skyler can have juice if he takes his medicine." (We are starting to get desperate with this medicine thing - we welcome all suggestions!)
Skyler looks at the medicine and back at the juice and then back at the medicine. Then he opened his mouth and took the medicine without incident!!! Just in case I ever wondered if he got it, HE DOES. This child certainly understands the way of the world ... He is no longer a baby ;( You better believe he clutched to that juice cup tightly for the rest of the evening (until we finally got him into bed). He even shook it a few times to make sure it was still full.

3. Mommy, Daddy, Skyler and Jack are in Skyler's dark room after the prayer. The lullaby music is on and Mommy is rocking Skyler. Skyler all of a sudden starts fighting with Mommy to get down. Mostly out of curiosity, Mommy lets Skyler get down. Skyler walks over to Jack and says ...
"Come on Jack, lets go."
Then they both head toward the closed bedroom door. Of course I am rolling on the floor laughing and Skyler got what he was after .... A distraction from going to sleep!

4. Daddy and Skyler are lying on the floor in the dark room with lullaby music. Brendan coughs and then hears a little cough. Brendan sneezes and then hears a little sneeze. Realizing that he is being copied, he continues to sneeze and cough while Skyler continues to copy him. This goes on for several minutes, while Skyler gets to escape the world of dreams.

5. Skyler, Mommy and Daddy are in the dark room after Skyler has woken up during the night. Skyler gave Mommy lots of kisses and identified all of he facial body parts. Skyler also gave Mommy lots of cuddly hugs (which is big if you know Skyler, who doesn't slow down for anything). After all this love, Skyler asked Mommy to watch the "show" (which is Baby Einstein). Mommy can't refuse and lets him out of the room to watch the show. Daddy thinks Mommy has gone CRAZY and promptly brings Skyler back into his room for night nights.

Last, but not least,
6. Mommy, Daddy, Skyler and Jack are in the dark room with lullaby music on. Mommy is rocking Skyler.
Daddy says in the prayer : "Thank Heavenly Father that Mommy's hair looks hot." (b/c Mommy just got a new "do")
Skyler says : "Oh no, Mommy your hair is hot?!"
He got up and started to blow on my hair saying "Mommy's hair is hot."

SOOO much laughter followed, that Skyler got out of sleeping for at least another 20 mintues!


Terri said...

Now we need a pic of mom's HOT new hairdo!! i loved the x and o story - wow Skyler knows his letters SO well! Yep - every child needs two parents - so that they can alternate between being the softy and the rule enforcer! Absolutely darling bedtime experiences and neat that they are now recorded!

Franna and Jon Larsen said...

I am LOVING number 6!!! Aren't kids great! I was telling Sophie tonight to go put her jammies on and she flips her head around and says "stop your attitude!" All you can do at those moments is laugh!!

Arnon said...

I agree with the request for a photo of the hot new do! Have you made a hard copy of these precious moments?

tessa said...

They get smart at being adorable at bed time don't they? I loved the mental pic of Skyler copying Brendan's coughs and sneezes. So cute.